Several tech products for the disabled have been launched during the CES 2017. Among the best ones are wheelchairs and smart canes that empower the disabled to get past their limitations.
The Dring Smart Cane tracks the user's location via GPS. It also sends an alert to a guardian or responsible individual if the user has fallen or needs special help because of a certain event. A call, text, or an email template may be sent automatically if a need arises. The cane works as a safety device and a warning system since disabled individuals are prone to being injured or getting lost.
Another product is a wheelchair. Gaspard is a device added to a wheelchair under the cushion of the seat. It has pressure sensors which detect the user's position. This is a posture-correcting device linked to a smartphone. Aside from keeping tabs on posture, Gaspard also keeps track of the user's weight and physical activities.
The product Neofect, on the other hand, is a device that will help stroke victims continue their therapy at home. It can be worn like a glove and is used to keep track of the user's progress. The therapy is "gamified" in nature - that is using a virtual game to practice muscle movements for the affected hand. The wrist is primarily targeted on this device.
Haptic display is a type of technology which gives a physical feedback every time you interact with dials or images on a touchscreen device. Hap2U is among the tech products unveiled during CES 2017. It promises to let visually impaired individuals enjoy on-screen graphics or controls, according to Tech Crunch.