By Angel Soleil, | November 10, 2016
A man slicing open the snake. (YouTube)
A deadly and gigantic snake was sliced open by locals in Nigeria, as farmers thought that it had been feasting on their livestock. But what they found surprised them all, as the snake, which was apparently pregnant, had about a hundred slimy eggs inside its body.
The locals had accused the giant snake of feeding off the livestock of farmers, so they opted to kill the animal. After discovering that it was pregnant, the locals expressed no remorse because they regard the eggs as a rare delicacy, thus, ended up harvesting them. The Daily Mail reported that online commentators also showed little sympathy over the incident pointing out that they prevented the birth of hundreds of deadly snakes.
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The snake was initially assumed to be an anaconda, judging from its large size. But, since the species is restricted to South America, the locals believed it to be a breed of an African Rock Python. The species is said to be extremely aggressive, growing up to 24 feet long. While they are known to prey on animals such as goats and crocodiles, there are rare cases when they go for human victims.
Snake expert Kenneth Krysko said that the African Rock Phyton could be dangerous as "they come out of the egg striking." The Sun reported that just a few years ago, the species had killed two young boys, aged five and nine respectively after it escaped from an exotic pet shop in Canada. The boys were found strangled by the snake in their beds at night.
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