By Steve Pak, | January 15, 2016

Sphero's BB-8 Toy Robot
Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas last week included many new gadgets including a BB-8 robot toy based on the round android in the new Star Wars movie. Toy company Sphero unveiled a wrist wearable device that gives people the power to use the "Force" to control a mini robot with gestures.
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Clair Tindall is a spokesperson for the Colorado-based company. She explained that the Force Band wearable gives users the ability to use Jedi-like gestures such as push and pull to control the BB-8 robot, according to Reuters.
Resting a hand on the side starts the toy's driving mode. Placing it palm-down causes the mini robot to look away, and palm-up causes it to look towards the user.
Wearable users can also turn their wrist to cause the Star Wars toy to spin, according to The Verge. People can wave their hand to enter the gesture mode, and make BB-8 do actions such as nodding "yes."
The Verge points out that users will have to practice to use their hand to drive the mini robot. Making the gadget turn is also a little difficult.
The gadget includes sensors that detect the wearer's hand movements. That data is then transmitted to the mini robot that moves based on them.
Sphero's toy robot can be controlled via a smartphone. It was first released last year along with the Star Wars movie "The Force Awakens."
The Force Band is scheduled to be released during Autumn 2016. Tindall explained that the wearable device is still a prototype, and more tech is being built into the unit.
Sphero shared it will have more details about the BB-8 robot at Toy Fair. In addition, another version of the robot that includes damage after leaving Jakku will be available later in 2016.
Other BB-8 merchandise includes bags, luggage, household items, and a Lego playset. However, Wired called the robot toy the only truly new item in "The Force Awakens" collection.
Since the release of "Star Wars" (1977), the values of some toys based on the movie franchise have skyrocketed in value. They include a vinyl cape Jawa, Medical Droid FX-7, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader with double-telescoping lightsaber, and Boba Fett.
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