By Staff Reporter, | February 10, 2017

First Samsung was rocked by exploding batteries. Now the batteries are catching on fire.A fire broke out in a Chinese factory that supplied batteries for Samsung's explosion-prone Galaxy Note 7 smartphones on Wednesday morning.Samsung SDI Co., a supplier of batteries to the Galaxy Note 7, said a "minor fire" broke out in the plant in suburban Tianjin's Wuqing district but was quickly put out.
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According to Popularmechanics, the fire broke out in a part of the facility designated for waste, including faulty batteries. Yong-doo seemed to indicate that the factory was running as normal, and the batteries which caught on fire were far away from production lines.
Fire Breaks Out at Samsung Factory in China:
— PCMag (@PCMag) February 8, 2017
Tianjin Fire Department noted that the "material that caught fire was the lithium batteries inside the production workshops and some half-finished products." In other words, batteries that were being installed to be shipped. Far from the "minor" fire Samsung indicated, the Wuqing branch noted that they sent out 110 firefighters and 19 trucks to stop the flames.
Fire breaks out at Chinese factory that makes @samsung Note 7 batteries — SCMP News (@SCMP_News) February 8, 2017
Samsung Electronics said last month that the batteries' manufacturing and design flaws were to blame for the overheating. SDI said this month that it had invested about 150 billion won (HK$1 billion) in safety and that its batteries would probably be used in Samsung Electronics' next smartphone model. Luckily, no one was harmed and no one was injured in the incident in Samsung manufacturing.
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