By M. Abad, | February 21, 2017

Microsoft Acquires Interactive Livestreaming Service Beam
Microsoft has another reason to celebrate as its first ever Beam streaming on Xbox One will soon arrive on the Preview Beta Insiders later this week. Following its availability on the Alpha ring, members later got a hold of the Beam app as well.
It might be exclusive to the Alpha at the moment, but a recent twitter post from Microsoft's Brad Rossetti says otherwise. An inquiry on when will the Beam streaming will be available on Beta garnered an answer from Rossetti saying "Yes the plan is this week - however we need to get the fixed build out to Alpha first so we unblock MP ):"
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Interestingly, Matt Salsamendi later confirmed on twitter that the Beta Preview members will also get the Beam Streaming on Xbox One as well as the application. Microsoft's Insider Programs apparently get a first hand on such feature and in this case, the Beam Streaming. Its release on the Beta Preview will have to depend on the smooth launching of Beam.
It may be a while, but the Beta Preview is always what the feature aims to land and that the developers are working hard on the project.
The beam Streaming feature was first launched by Microsoft in January 5, 2017 despite acquiring it the previous year for an unspecified amount. Two months after its acquisition, Microsoft introduced it to the Xbox One department, meaning to expand its interesting feature to the platform. Its success on the platform later allowed Microsoft to announce the Beam Streaming arrival on Windows 10.
News reveal that, Beam could be Microsoft's competing feature to The user interaction on the feature makes it likeable and even more enticing to fans. For more on the latest news and update about Microsoft's Beam Streaming, make sure to read us here on the Telegiz.
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