‘Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' Prestige Levels Coming in Update 1.11

By M. Abad, | March 15, 2017

Titan - Scout" (Epic Weapons of Infinite Warfare)

Titan - Scout" (Epic Weapons of Infinite Warfare)

Prestige Levels are spotted on the all new "Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare," but Actvision has not confirmed anything yet. It is also reported that the file size of the new update is 2.9Gb on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One console. The PC platform on the other hand will only shed 850MB for the update. So what do players expect when entering update 1.11?

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According to the PlayStation Lifestyle in Prestige Level 11, players will begin at Rank 1. The Create a Class, Scorestreaks and Rigs will be re-locked once the update is launched. The rewards on the "Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare" Prestige Level will include One permanent unlock token, one master prestige emblem and one permanent boost: All Challenges award +25% XP.

Meanwhile, the EXPRESS UK also reported that, each Prestige Rank will also deliver its own bonuses mainly Extra XP from challenges, the ability for Classic weapons to earn De-Atomizer Strikes, extra starting ammo for Classic weapons and additional XP for using MKII weapons.

Meanwhile, it was primarily reported that the "Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare" Prestige Levels will be a total of 20. The Prestige Levels with more than half of it considered as Master Prestige allows players to earn extra bonuses and XPs. Interestingly, the "New Blood Anvil" content has now been added in the "Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare" update 1.11.

Additionally aside from the rewards, the conventional bugs and fixes that normally comes with every update is also included. The most notable fixes include Fixes on party indicators not appearing properly, Fix on the Weapon Level Up indicator not displaying properly mid-match, Fix on the issue where trophy systems could deflect a passed Uplink or Defender drone, Fixed an issue where enemy scorestreak callouts would not play in FFA and many more.

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