By M. Abad, | March 22, 2017

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Coming to Switch; Cancelled for Wii U
Inti Creates' "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" is now set to be released on the Nintendo Switch instead of its original platform Wii U. The announcement came after the Nintendo Switch was released with Igavania explaining that the primary decision to put the game on the Wii U is brought by the popularity of the platform at the time.
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Today, the Nintendo Switch is taking the spotlight, hence the decision to move to the new platform. As the development of the "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" progresses, it became apparent that support from the hardware maker became a struggle.
That's when the developer dropped the Wii U platform and decide to stray the development towards the Nintendo Switch platform. Despite the change of plans, the developer is offering its backers the chance to transfer their pledges to another version or request for a refund.
In the Kickstarter website, the process of transferring pledges were indicated. The options include players choice whether to put their money on the Nintendo Switch or transfer from Wii U to Xbox One, PS4, PC and PS Vita. Meanwhile, players who choose to refund their pledges and opt out to transfer it on any of the aforementioned platforms will have to follow certain criteria to proceed.
The decision to cancel the "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" game on the Wii U platform met several reactions from fans. Current Nintendo Switch owners were pleased with the decision, while the rest seem apprehensive about the outcome. Since its launching on the Kickstarter in 2015, the game has garnered over 64,000 backers with a total of $5.5 million in pledges.
According to the Attack of the Fanboy, backers who wish cancel their pledges have until April 20 to make and act on the decision. "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" is expected to launch in 2018.
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