HIV & AIDS Cure Update: Crocodile's Blood, Gecko Lizard Believed to Treat Infection

By Jacques Strauss, | March 27, 2017

A giant croc has been caught and is being inspected.

A giant croc has been caught and is being inspected.

Definitive HIV and AIDS cure are still being researched and developed by experts worldwide. Out of despair and great necessity, some individuals are now starting to develop their own untested versions HIV/AIDS treatment, including crocodile's blood and gecko lizard.

In Mexico, 14 crocodiles have been rescued, and 20 were found dead in a settlement near La Encrucijada, a Chiapas' coastal nature reserve. Such animals are considered as protected species in Mexico, according to Fox News. However, locals believed that crocodiles could help in treating diseases like cancer, diabetes and even HIV/AIDS.

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Based on the report, the dead crocodiles were mutilated, heads and tails were hacked away. The persons involved in the incident profoundly believed that the blood of crocodiles might serve as a potent HIV/AIDS cure.

This would not be the first time that an exotic solution has been sought for by some individuals to treat HIV/AIDS and other deadly diseases. A few years back, another reptile was also haunted for its alleged health benefits. There was a huge demand for a gecko lizard, especially among Chinese and Korean buyers as it was believed as a suitable solution for HIV and AIDS.

The idea of utilizing animal as a cure for specific ailments may be traced from the traditional medications that mainly uses plants. From such methodology, other beliefs sprung associating exotic animals as potential cures.

As of the current writing, there is still no studies or research made that would support the claim of those individuals clinging on the so-called therapeutic animals. Most traditional or complementary medicines are more inclined with herbs and other medicinal plants.

If by chance the claims of the locals were valid, the method used still lack proper refinement to achieve the proper standards of creating an HIV and AIDS Cure. Thus, suggesting more studies and research needed to be done on the subject matter.

Watch here below forms of complementary HIV/AIDS treatment:

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