By Mae Sy, | April 06, 2017

HTC is currently offering new VR game service and $100 discount for the Vive in celebration of its first birthday. (YouTube)
Owning a brand-new HTC Vive VR headset would certainly be a treat. Fortunately, this could be everyone's chance to get hold of HTC's premier VR platform.
In accordance to the celebration of its birthday, there will be a giveaway of discounts. The makers of the Vive also started off its own subscription VR game service to millions of users. HTC is offering $100 discount for the Vive VR headset along with a free copy of the "Arcade Sage" as part of its promotion. Customers can purchase the headset for only $699 starting April 5, according to The Verge.
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VR fans that will purchase the VR system on the same day will also be able to sign up for the subscription of Viveport. For $6.99 per month, they can have the VR game service which is available in the Viveport store. The recently released game service by HTC is like the Valve's Steam storefront. The storefront has been the default source for most Vive games since Viveport was not around in the past year.
Though Viveport was released last fall 2016 on the global stage, it was pit against the much bigger store, Steam. Overall, the new subscription service will be a new business model for HTC. Owners of the VR headset can get five games or apps every month in the library as a tribute to the Vive's loyal fans.
The new service aims to bring back its fan base to support HTC's Viveport store. However, it is not really the Netflix version of the Vive but it's worth a try.
Owners of the Vive can take advantage of the one-month trial to try out the new Viveport subscription. The promotion came on the heels of the Vive Tracker's launch, it's a little disk that allows users to track certain objects.
The succession of promotions is part of HTC's growing individuality from Valve. The two companies have co-created the Vive headset that was released to the market last April 2016.
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