By Miguel Paolo Togonon, | May 17, 2017

'Overwatch' is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.
The latest updates for "Overwatch" will feature the possible release of the Anniversary event and three new characters coming to the roster.
Blizzard Entertainment announced several new details for "Overwatch" as they teased the possible release of the game's Anniversary Event. While many gaming fans expect something good from "Overwatch" today, the developers tweeted that "Overwatch's" Anniversary event release date will be announced before launch, which makes it highly unlikely that they see it today.
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What backed up this surprise launch theory the most was the recent anniversary loot box leak for "Overwatch,"which showed off the event’s take on the unlockable packages and stated that they would available to earn or purchase in-game until June 5. The loots will contain the usual combinations of character skins, emotes, poses, voicelines and highlight intros.
According to several data mined informatuon, there will be around 100 cosmetics to unlock during the new event. "Overwatch" characters are also set to get a major makeover within the game.
However, a new theory suggest that the Anniversary Event could launch after "Overwatch's" season 4 of Competitive Play which ends on May 29, Express reported.
Meanwhile, three characters are coming to "Overwatch's" roster within the year.
4Chan username “QAAustinAutist” claimed that Doomfist will be next along with two new heroes that Blizzard Entertainment has yet to introduced in the game.
The two heroes joining Doomfist are Bria and Ivon and they are hinted to be counter characters for Reinhardt and Roadhog in "Overwatch." Gaming fans have been waiting a long time for Doomfist to finally be released, this is the first time gamers heard of the other two characters.
Bria is a character that has just begun testing, aiming for a release in the third quarter of 2017. She is allegedly the smallest member in "Overwatch's" roster, with a play style that allows her to lock off certain section of maps to assist her team, though not multiple areas at once. This would allow Bria to be a strong player in control maps where the objective could be stalled until her team returns.
As for Ivon, he is considered to be in the early concept stages of development which fits Blizzard’s previous statement that there would not be more than two hero releases per year. Ivan is a tall, lanky, elderly man wearing a close-fitted business suit with red accents. He hails from Russsia, and will be a part of the defense category.
Ivon's defensive abilities will include being able to summon weak swarming bots and control them at will. His ultimate ability will double the amount of robots that the character controls, making him somewhere between Torbjorn and Symmetra in terms of usability, Gamerant reported.
"Overwatch" is currently available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms.
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