By Steve Pak, | March 30, 2016

Han Solo Leather Jacket
Harrison Ford is auctioning off the leather jacket worn by his character Han Solo in the latest Star Wars movie "The Force Awakens." Ford is donating the jacket to benefit epilepsy research conducted by New York University (NYU) Langone Medical Center and Finding A Cure for Epilepsy and Seizures (FACES). The Hollywood actor has been impressed with the research conducted by NYU and FACES on the brain condition his daughter has.
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In fact, Ford has participated in past fundraisers for NYU Langone where his daughter receives medical treatment, according to CNN. He reported that since his daughter was emitted to the medical center nine years ago she has not had any seizures.
Ford shared in a statement he hopes the leather jacket will help to improve epilepsy research. He explained that the cause is one that is "near and dear" to him, and unlike the pessimistic Han Solo he has faith in the scientists' work.
Dr. Orrin Devinsky is director of the NYU Comprehensive Epilepsy Center and the physician of Ford's daughter Georgia. He said that he has been a Star Wars fan since he watched the first movie during the 1970s.
Ford has been a movie star since the original Star Wars movie was released in 1977 and has starred in other famous films including "Apocalypse Now" (1979), "Blade Runner" (1982), and "The Fugitive" (1993). He will also star in the fifth movie of Walt Disney Studios' Indiana Jones franchise that will hit theaters in 2019.
The Han Solo jacket is autographed by Ford, according to Bustle. It will be up for auction on until April 11 at 6 p.m. EST.
Han Solo died at the hands of his son Kylo Ren in "The Force Awakens." Some fans of the franchise would rather purchase a black vest of the Millennium Falcon's pilot. However, the leather jacket is also important in Star Wars history as it was the last outfit Ford wore while playing the iconic character.
The current bid for the Han Solo jacket is $32,000, but it will likely rise during the next week and a half.
Here's a "The Force Awakens" trailer that includes Han Solo:
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