Scientist and Sailor Develop Small Mobile Reactor that Turns Plastic Waste into Diesel Fuel
Their goal was to rid the world of plastic waste by creating a market for it.
Their goal was to rid the world of plastic waste by creating a market for it.
Gen. Poznikhir said U.S. land-based radars in Europe that are part of the NMD can detect all possible flight trajectories of Russian ICBMs fired at the United States.
"At this point I'm highly confident that it's possible to achieve at least 100-fold reduction in the cost of space access."
China conducted 22 launch missions in 2016 and 19 in 2015.
The Energy Observer is the world's first hydrogen-powered yacht to sail from Paris this coming May.
Zhennai Refining plans to sell the jet fuel to airlines operating long-haul international flights.
SpaceX and TESLA CEO Elon Musk has launched his newest company Neuralink, which is focusing on medical research with the aim to computerize the human brain by linking the brain of a human being to an electronic device.
The fact SpaceX is driving down the cost of launching rockets into space is hurting Moscow where it hurts the most: in its wallet.
Created in 2009, USCYBERCOM centralizes command of cyberspace operations.
Western military experts concur that a "Space Arms Race" is underway.