Star Trek Transporter Now Real? German Scientists Use Laser Beams to Teleport Information
German scientists teleported a classical object successfully using laser beams inspired by Star Trek.
German scientists teleported a classical object successfully using laser beams inspired by Star Trek.
New findings from shipwrecks and tree ring growth from the 17th and 18th century reveals crucial clues about the planet's past weather and hurricanes.
New findings revealed that it is possible to outrun a supervolcano eruption as pyroclastic ash flows can only travel 10 to 45 miles per hour.
A wild sea otter mother travelled far to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to give birth inside the facility's pool, all captured on video.
Based on new findings from NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft, the carbon black surface of Mercury was apparently caused by graphite and not just by soot from passing comets.
Feeding allergy-causing foods such as peanuts to babies is more likely to protect them than cause allergic reactions, based on two new studies. One study published suggests that feeding babies peanuts can be an effective allergy-prevention step, while the other United States study shows that the early strategy of feeding eggs to infants as young as 4 to 6 months is also effective.
A new NASA study reveals how the drought in the Middle East from 1998 to 2012 has been the worst one in the past 900 years.
The only solar eclipse will happen this Wednesday where only parts of Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Hawaii can see this rare eclipse.
Conservationists have spotted a rare, albino whale dubbed as "Gallon of Milk" off the coast of Mexico, which has been last spotted in 2009.
MIT researchers created a bizarre Twitterbot known as Deep Drumpf, that tweets like Trump himself with the use of a special algorithm.