By Miguel Paolo Togonon, | March 17, 2017

The final trailer for "Injustice 2" has been released prior to its imminent launch on May 16. (YouTube)
The latest updates for "Injustice 2" will feature a new currency system, customization and Red Hood's possible appearance in the sequel next week.
NetherRealm Studios will announce a new DC character joining "Injustice 2's" roster next week on March 23 as the game studio recently revealed Jason Rusch version of Firestorm during an episode of UpUpDownDown, before they launched his official gameplay debut trailer.
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"Injustice 2" has alread featured some of the most memorable heroes and villains in the DC Universe from heavy hitters such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman,The Flash, Harley Quinn to the lesser known such as Swamp Thing, Blue Beetle, Cheetah, Atrocitus and many more.
While the identity of the new DC character in "Injustice 2" is still unknown, there are some speculation that this character could be Jason Todd a.k.a. the second Red Hood. Red Hood has been the most discussed character in the sequel as game producer Ed Boon tweeted if Jason should be put in the game's roster, teasing both comic book and gaming fans alike.
However, new information came to light when YouTube channel Dynasty claim that a recently published book entitled "The League of Super Hero Video Games," which focus on DC video games explicitly mentions Red Hood as one of the new characters in "Injustice 2," and while there is no official confirmation by any means, this attracted many fans, EventHubs reported.
In other news, NetherRealm Studios introduced gaming fans with a new in-game currency within "Injustice 2's" gameplay.
The new currency is called the Source Crystal, which players can buy using real money and it can be spent on three different ways: Premiere Skins, shaders for existing skins and on the Transform Gear feature.
Premiere Skins are new models for existing character appearances that completely change their looks and voice, similar to the ones they get in the game’s deluxe and ultimate editions, but they do not have any gameplay advantages.
Shaders are colored variations that players can apply to their existing character's gear. Lastly, Transform Gear allows players to change the look of one piece of gear into another, and keep the stats – commonly known as transmogrification in other video games, VG 24/7 reported.
NetherRealm Studios noted that players cannot pay to win in "Injustice 2" during its community announcement. Although the studio stated that using Source Crystals is optional as it will not impact progression.
One particular way players can use them them is billed as allowing them to “save time.” If they rank up at least one character to level 20, they can use Source Crystals to level up other characters to the same level.
"Injustice 2" will launch on May 16 for the PS4 and Xbox One.
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