By Jake Ke, | March 30, 2016

The new update for “Destiny” is going to happen on April 12, with a lot of new things added.
The new update for "Destiny" is going to happen on April 12, with a lot of new things added. The Archon Priest's Taken version, return of the Winter's Run strike and a new strike boss Malok questline have been added. There is also an increase in light level up to 335, having the new end-game content "Prison of Elders."
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As per Bungie's announcement last week, for those who own "The Taken King," the update is going to happen on April 12. Two additional livestreams that focus on various aspects of this update are going to happen on Wednesdays, two weeks before April 12.
New loot and difficulty settings are added to Prison of Elders, heroic strikes, King's fall raid, etc. The new update's goal was described as, "The Taken King is dead but his army has a hold on the world. As you led the attack on the Dreadnaught, a powerful going-to-be Taken Prince escaped for the shadows' safety. Before he becomes too powerful, he needs to be hunted down."
The players are given a new challenge as the Prison of Elders activity is enhanced to a level of 41. There are no checkpoints for the Prison of Elders, hence making it more difficult and challenging for players. A new activity named as 'Challenge of the Elders' is included and has a score card whose value resets every week. A score of 30,000 gets the players new weapons. And with a score of 90,000, players earn very powerful armors. Winter's Run is strike is also enhanced to Taken level.
However, the Prison of Elders' original version continues to be available for players who love it. Bungie also said that to keep the interests of players, they will provide new challenges for four months, so a total of 16 before things are final.
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