By Miguel Paolo Togonon, | January 11, 2016

Pokken Tournament is an arcade fighting game developed by Bandai Namco as it features different Pokemon characters fighting in a "Tekken"style gameplay.
New "Pokken Tournament" details will feature a new Pokemon character this week, as well as Htmonlee, Hitmonchan,Tyranitar and Swampert added to the roster.
The official Twitter page of "Pokken Tournament" tweeted that a new Pokemon character will be revealed next week on Jan. 15. Nintendo previoulsy revealed Sceptile as the latest fighter in the "Pokken Tournament" joining other Pokemons such as Pikachu, Pikachu Libre, Charizard, Blaziken, Gengar, Lucario, Gardevior, Machamp, Suicune, Weavile and Shadow Mewtwo.
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So far, there are no further information regarding what kind of Pokemon will be release this week. However, the translated version of the tweet revealed several clues as to which Pokemon will join the game's growing roster. According to Dualshockers, the tweet had a translation of ‘ラ’ meaing "ra" or "la" as gaming fans suggest that the new Pokemon could be either Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee due to the claim that both monsters have the same aforemention within their Japanese names.
Other gaming fans speculated that the new Pokemon being annoucnce this week could be Hitmotop, Swampert, Tyranitar or even Heracross, Korean Portal reported.
"Pokken Tournament" is a joint collabroation between Nintendo and Bandai Namco that features the franchises popular Pokemons battlling each other in a fighting gameplay similar to the "Tekken" fighting series.
The game will feature several support characters to help players enhance their Pokemonsin battle such as Lapras, Ninetails, Eevee, Whimsicott, Jirachi, Mismagius, Emolga, Fennekin, Snivy, Frogadier, Dragonite, Victini, Rotom and Togekiss.
Other rumored Pokemons joinig the game includes Magmortar, Vigoroth and Howlucha. "Pokken Tournament" will be released in Japanese arcades on July 16 and in the Wii U console on March 18.
Although there have been rumors that "Pokken Tournament" could be removed in Japanese arcades due to it being unpopular and unprofitable. A reddit user claimed that another factor in putting out the game out of the arcades is that gamer's are more interested in playing "Tekken 7" in arcades. So far, Bandai Namco has not made a comment regarding its removal in the arcades and will likely go on with its planned launch.
Bandai Namco and Nintendo stated that a western release of "Pokken Tournament" could happen some time in second quarter of 2016 along with its own Wii U controller in the game's bundle pack.
"Pokken Tournament" will be available in the arcades and Wii U console this year.
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