Samsung Pay will Soon Arrive on 'Lower End' Smartphones; Expansion Begins in India
See when you can expect the Samsung Pay feature on non flagship phones.
See when you can expect the Samsung Pay feature on non flagship phones.
New details on "Injustice 2" will feature nine DLC characters, several motherboxes and microtransaction for the sequel.
Nintendo has confirmed that more game titles are planned for the Nintendo Switch and one sure imminent arrival will be that of the Super Smash Bros. franchise. While the game release date for Switch remains unknown, a new character is likely part of the push for the new console.
If new reports are anything to go by, Galaxy S8 will now go on sale on April 21 instead of on April 28. Let's take a look at the features of the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Apple iPhone 8.
Get the all new "Kingdom Hearts: Union X" on your mobile phones this April and see what Square Enix has to offer.
The essential ingredients for a KickassTorrents comeback appear to be in full effect – the original site admin, uploaders and moderators have resurrected the torrent site via the and the same crew is gearing up to continue on with a KAT tradition. On March 30, the group will scream to the world “Happy Torrents Day!”
Nintendo America confirms, they are still in the "fact finding" mode after series of Nintendo Switch problems came to their attention.
Confirming the absence of "Mass Effect 4," Bioware launches a new trailer for the "Mass Effect: Andromeda" game.
AT&T introduces a new unlimited option for its contract-free GoPhone prepaid plan on March 10.