Windows 10 Update Changes: New Dynamic Lock, Picture-In-Picture Mode and More
New Windows 10 update changes were made today adding some cool new features and bug fixes.
New Windows 10 update changes were made today adding some cool new features and bug fixes.
Hideo Kojima, known as the creator of the game "Metal Gear" series bonds with Mads Mikkelsen. Mads Mikkelsen will take part as the main the antagonist on the Hideo's new game "Death Stranding."
There is an ongoing debate in the gaming community whether “No Man’s Sky” game’s DLC is worth buying or not.
Apple's patents that have been granted this week likely reveal a stack of interesting camera updates for the iPhone 8, according to CNET. The patent application titled 'Optimizing Capture of Focus Stacks' was originally published last December.
What to expect in Blizzard’s Diablo 3 latest news about the new Necromancer class
ZTE's latest smartwatch will be known ZTE Quartz, joining other companies such as LG and Google to have smartwatches in line.
The open beta for "For Honor" is now available for players using the major platforms, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Ubisoft has announced that the game will not be available for the Nintendo Switch. All interested players are welcome to download the open beta version which will be available starting Friday until Sunday.
With Apple expected to launch the iPhone 8 in September, there are reports that it is starting production of the smartphone ahead of schedule to ensure that its supply can meet the demand. In fact, the manufacturing of the iPhone 8 is set to start as early as June.
The Samsung Galaxy S8 is shaping up to be the most technically advanced Android phone of 2017 as the South Korean company is reportedly hoarding orders of the latest and most powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 system chip. The company is reportedly also stepping up its battery security testing to make it a truly safe handset.
Gamers now have 8Pack OrionX, a 24,000 GBP gaming laptop from Overclockers UK.