By Miguel Paolo Togonon, | June 05, 2017

Fallout 4 is an open world action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks.
New updates for will feature characters having super powers in latest mod and VR demo for the sequel to be showcased this month.
It seems that Bethesda will showcasing the long awaited "Fallout 4" VR this month as vice president of PR and marketing Pete Hines stated that they will make an appearance at E3 2017.
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Game lead designer Todd Howard added that “Fallout 4's" VR gameplay is the most incredible thing gamers will ever see in the game series. and they cannot even imagine what it is like playing in VR and how realistic it looks with everywhere whenever they turn their head.
Howard added that "Fallout 4" VR is the “craziest thing" gamers will ever see and experience, Gamerant reported. AMD’s corporate vice president Roy Taylor stated that "Fallout 4" VR is the "Sonic the Hedgehog" in the virtual reality gaming
It seems that Howard and Hines's are hypin up fans for the VR version of "Fallout 4" to the fans as the feature could fuel the curiosity and excitement to long time fans fo the series and will also peek the interest of gamers, who are new to "Fallout" games.
Howard cited the challenges of developing "Fallout 4" VR noting that the interface is working great, but there are still working on the locomotion, which is one of the biggest issues to overcome for VR games.
In other news, a new mod for Fallout 4" will feature their main character having mutant super powers courtesy of modder “thelonewarrior.”
The new "Fallout 4" mod dubbed “Mutant Powers,” adds a plethora of supernatural abilities for Sole Survivors to use against enemies, such as telekinesis, flight, electric bolts, and loads more. The justification for the mod is quite clever, as it’s posted that radiation levels has affected people in different ways, with some being able to burst into flames and wield fire, running as fast as the naked eye with super speed, and even teleport around the map.
In addition, the new mod will present players with a new strategic way of attacking enemies such as using the illusion ability to summon monsters like Deathclaws in a ghostly form, clairvoyance to see enemies through walls, and super senses to add thermal vision for a more advantageous view of the battlefield.
But in order to gain more powers, players will have to explore the Wasteland and beat enemies to unlock them. Defeating standard enemies will gain a low chance of presenting a power, while taking out bosses creates a higher chance for them to get one of the mod’s most powerful abilities, PC Game reported.
"Fallout 4" is currently available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.
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