'Final Fantasy 7' Remake Episodic Release Teased; Tetsuya Nomura Hints Many Changes from the Original Game!
New details for "Final Fantasy 7" remake will feature changes for the remake from the original game and a possible episodic release.
New details for "Final Fantasy 7" remake will feature changes for the remake from the original game and a possible episodic release.
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Samsung has set the Galaxy S8 release date around April 2017 but there is a big possibility that the schedule could be pushed back. And the same goes for the iPhone 8 launch that is expected to take place September this year. Blame it on the low production yields of 10nm FinFET technologies, a new report said.
The latest details for "Final Fantasy XV" will feature a PC version demo at GDC 2017 and the development of the VR gameplay for the sequel.
The Surface Phone has been essentially confirmed by Microsoft but when exactly the flagship device, powered by Windows 10, will drop is still a big question mark. Thankfully, the next best thing is likely to get a release date real soon – the sequel to HP’s Elite X3.
Another big update is slated for Supercell’s “Clash Royale” this March.
Xiaomi unveiled a newer variant of Redmi 4 called the Redmi 4X phone during the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017. The device is powered by Snapdragon 435 and comes with improved LTE connectivity
After more than two years following its official release, "The Sims 4" continues to get its fanbase hooked with continuous support, thanks to Maxi and Electronic Arts. If the latest leaks are to be believed, the simmers might be seeing the addition of college campus, pets, and even witches in the game shortly.
Indie space title "No Man's Sky" has bagged GDC's Innovation Award and Sean Murray is slated to seat as a panel at the event, where an official news of the next expansion is likely to happen.
The miniature PC, the Raspberry Pi Zero W, is now available with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. This pint-sized computer is the new version of the previous Raspberry Pi Zero with wireless connectivity.